Dr. Tony Schmitz, a mechanical engineering professor at the University of Tennessee, showing students how almost everything we make in this world touches a machine tool.
Education, Manufacturing Jobs, Workforce

Imagine life choices as a maze of doors. Your path relies on which doors you open, and one door leads to another. If you fail to open one door, you miss out on an entire set of possibilities. When you think of it that way, our job becomes simple: make sure the doors of opportunity open for everyone.

Take Victor Haynes II, nicknamed “Deuce.” He’s...

Image of IACMI employee Marley Passey
Manufacturing, Manufacturing Jobs

The drive to create . Put simply, that’s what has propelled Marley Passey into a career in manufacturing, despite the fact that she’s legally blind. “I’ve always really enjoyed making things, building little wooden toys,” Marley says. “And this is the natural progression of that, making these really big and complex metal or composite parts. I...