
They are 16 creators at heart. One creates automation systems for manufacturers. Another designs software for photonics. One helps create high-tech careers in robotics, another in cybersecurity, and a third in the emerging field of remanufacturing. One went to prison and turned his life around to make a six-figure salary in CNC machining.


Industry Week
IIOT, Innovation, Lightweight Materials, Manufacturing

Lightweighting isn’t new to the auto industry, but it’s finally mature enough to make a significant impact on manufacturers, drivers and the whole planet.

Even if you’re not a car aficionado, you can see why the Chevy Corvette C2—aka the Stingray—is re­vered among the pantheon of American automo­tive manufacturing. Sleek. Classy. And fast. Really...

Media Planet
Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

An advanced manufacturing workforce requires a higher level of preparation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Over the next decade millions of jobs are expected to open in manufacturing, with the majority of them projected to go unfilled. To achieve sustained economic growth, we must start educating tomorrow’s manufacturing...